
Teaching 1 Timothy: From Text to Message is unavailable, but you can change that!

Timothy from Lystra was known as the “son” of Paul the Apostle, and as his apprentice, was to learn the ways of the faith from him. Timothy was later sent to Ephesus to serve as Paul’s representative. The Ephesians had lost their focus on the message of the Gospel; they were materialistic and their lives were marked by ungodly living. Timothy’s task was to call them back to the cross, to remind...

spilling out. Against that background Paul’s instruction is straightforward. Rather than resolve difficulties by resorting to those methods the men should be seeking to settle things through praying together. The sign of godliness for men would be hands raised in prayer to God, not raised in clenched fists towards one another. As Christians, their hands and indeed their whole bodies need to be viewed as holy, that is set apart for God. The gathered prayer meeting was to be at the centre of Ephesian
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